Understanding the interface of science, policy, and public interest around fisheries

About us

In the context of the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOS), ocean science is defined as “natural and social science disciplines, including interdisciplinary approaches; the technology and infrastructure that supports ocean science; the application of ocean science for societal benefits, including knowledge transfer and applications in regions that are currently lacking science capacity; as well as science-policy and science-innovation interface”.

Marine Sciences answers the increasing demand from various policy and industry sectors to improve the interface of ocean science – policy making tackling the sustainability challenges and wider societal goals.

Marine Sciences mission is to conduct leading science to enable the sustainable management of marine natural resources.

Our Services

Founded in 2020 as a fisheries and marine environmental consulting firm, Marine Sciences specializes in projects concerning international and domestic fisheries management providing robust science underpinned across a range of ocean science disciplines

Marine Sciences offers a wide variety of desktop and field survey services and is headquartered in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain.



Achieving ocean sustainability by leading fisheries science